Disclaimer: Story and non-cannon characters are the creation of Mercedes_Aria.

Lyrics to "We Don't Need A Hero" are by Edguy.


Prologue: Almost Within Reach

We are falling - falling to rise

Pain is the guide out of the wastelands

We don't need a hero

We are falling - falling to rise

No charlatan to show you the light

We don't need a hero


Desolation wasn’t just a description of the place, it was also its name. In the past years, a few places like it had emerged, modeled after Bartertown. None were successful. They were little  more than filthy caverns of waste, crawling with loathsome creatures that preyed upon pathetic renderings of man. Those unfortunate enough to stumbled through these places, moved on quickly, after taking what they wanted- that is, assuming they could find something worth taking.


When you wake up in the fire

And your harbor lies in ruins

You wonder why the giant has been shot

Fired off down from the sky

You plead for explanation

Is it accident or rule?


The only thing that set Desolation a part from its decaying sisters was its marketplace. The Marketplace was more successful that its Bartertown predecessor and far more ruthlessly regulated.

In the midst of the controlled chaos of business was a young woman in tattered clothes of animal skins. She was hidden in the shadows of the stalls as her immense emerald eyes took in every gory detail of the scene around her. She was young and alone and female, a fatal combination in this place, but for the moment she was not perturbed by this. Innocent as she appeared, it was a facade- innocence no longer in exist in this nightmare realm- she was on the prowl.


And where is your childhood hero

To drive all the demons away?


She shivered in the dampness of the air, pulling her long hair around her shoulders in an effort to keep warm. Her gaze never wavered from their mission until shorter locks of amber tresses fell into her eyes. Lifting a leather-cuffed wrist, she pushed the bangs back and that’s when she saw him.


What if the light

Shines in darkness my friend…

We are falling - falling to rise

Pain is the guide out of the wastelands

Indignity is the leader

To escort us to fen

Where they say the light is endemic

If only I could comprehend

Now you're old enough to face it

Oh we don't need a hero

No we don't need a hero